September 20th

Love is the very best treatment, the best therapy, the best strategy, the most invigorating emotion, the strongest armour, and the most helpful weapon a true warrior has. Yes, warriors love. They love themselves. They love their cohorts. They love their life. They love their engagements. They love their wars. They love their family. They love their friends. They love their clients. They love the complainers, and most of all, they love their enemies! Love is the way, and the key to success, the key to conversion, the key to zealotry, and the key to being a true believer.

Without love, there is no passion. Without love, there is no commitment. Without love, the people around you who challenge you can smell the weakness of your resolve. Without love, you will suffer defeat. Extend love, and even in defeat you will win. Think about it! Come on, think about it! No, really think about it. When you are exposed to true love, what happens to you? What happens to you on every level? When you are unhappy, and love extends its gentle and supportive tendrils, what is the outcome? When love conquers for you, when love makes it right, when love shines its light into the darkness of your despair, what happens for you?

Love is tougher than steel. Love is the armour of God. Think about it; true warriors are but a metaphor of love in action. Love it; love all of it regardless of your intellectual opinion, which is often wrong. Love it; love all of it regardless of whether or not your poor ego feels trodden upon and discounted. You have seen love in action. Embrace it. Do it. Be it. Love it!

Mental toughness, perfection of character, and true grit are yours as result of overcoming adversity—even in loss (perceived or real)—and this is all the more tangible when it is the result of love. Yes, you (with your mind and your behaviour) can overcome adversity, but how will that compare to overcoming adversity through the application of love, in all that you do and all that you are? You know when you are dealing with love or dealing with a behaviour in disguise, love cannot be hidden.

This has been the counsel of great leaders, generals, spiritual leaders, and true warriors. Practice love and wonder in the result. You have seen it in action!

You are warriors, and warriors are the epitome of love in action. Love is the foundation of the winning mind. You are love in action, and as such, you will be expressing gratitude and joy regardless of what’s around you. So it is written.